Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Dell Adamo XPS Ultra-Thin Notebook Teaser

Unfortunately, few additional information has been provided Leaving aside its specs, form factor and even amazing design, one thing's for sure about Dell's famous Adamo series of notebooks: the manufacturer went all out in its attempts to make people curious about what this thing was all about. And now it seems that Dell is at it again, this time posting a new teaser regarding a whole new member of the Adamo family, this time called the Adamo XPS.

Unfortunately, this time around, the available information is so scarce that it leaves quite a lot of room for speculation. Practically, all we know for sure is that this future ultra-portable will be called XPS and that it will have a very thin form factor, with a thickness of just 9.99-mm. Not a lot to comment on, but we'll sure give it a try.

First of all, let's talk about the Adamo XPS name. As some of you might know, especially those of you familiar with Dell's products, this name is reserved for the company's high-end devices, packing the latest available technologies. So, we should expect a high-end product

Now, the second clue we've got is related to the thickness. Hence, since this thing measures just around 9.99 millimeters at the thickest point, we're most likely talking about a device that incorporates some very thing components. For this reason, we're most likely talking about SSDs as storage solution, as well as some computing platform that requires very little power and generates a very small amount of heat.

I was going to suggest either CULV or perhaps even NVIDIA ION, but since we're talking about an XPS, it's very likely that some other solution will be involved, one that will be able to offer a higher level of power.

All in all, only time will tell exactly what this Adamo XPS is all about; unfortunately, we have no information regarding its release date. However, we promise to keep you posted as soon as Dell decides to let out some more details on the subject.

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