Monday, December 20, 2010

Simple Mobile Application Overview

In contempo years, acute buzz applications, adaptable web, and adaptable business accept emerged as a growing trend and bold alteration technology. The all-encompassing capabilities of acute phones accept enabled the conception of on-the-go solutions for business abundance and entertainment. With booming adaptable appliance industry, the cardinal of applications actuality developed beyond all adaptable platforms is growing rapidly. Businesses are appliance adaptable applications to acquisition fresh customers, absorb absolute ones, and acquisition fresh avenues for business growth.

Mobile Appliance Development With Mantra Information Services
Mantra offers end-to-end solutions for adaptable appliance development, from solutions architectonics and development through the barrage and aliment of custom adaptable applications. Mantra has the experience, capabilities, and accoutrement all-important to transform your adaptable app annual into a reality.

Our Adaptable Appliance Development Capabilities
Whether standalone adaptable applicant applications, adaptable web applications, client-server applications, or adaptable web sites, we accept accomplishment and acquaintance in developing a advanced arrangement of adaptable applications. We accept been an aboriginal adopter of adaptable development technologies and accept developed applications for now bequest platforms like Windows Adaptable and earlier versions of Blackberry OS. Our acquaintance in contempo years accommodate developing adaptable applications on a apartment of arch adaptable platforms like iPhone, iPad, Android, Windows Phone, and Blackberry. With our all-encompassing action akin development capabilities, we advance scalable adaptable applications appliance MVC architectonics to lower absolute amount of ownership.

Focus Areas
  • Custom Adaptable Applications
  • Business Applications
  • Mobile Web Applications
  • Consumer Applications
  • Mobile Websites

Mobile Platforms
  • iPHONE
  • iPAD

Our Experience
Enterprise Scheduling Solution
As best architecture activities booty abode onsite, it was analytical for a arch home architect to accommodate a adaptable band-aid to their acreage users. We delivered an action chic band-aid to acquiesce administration of architecture tasks for Windows and Blackberry devices. Band-aid delivered accustomed applicant to abate timeline of architecture activities and cut operational costs.

Mobile Cyberbanking Application
We formed with a arch bankingcomputer appliance aggregation to body a adaptable cyberbanking appliance to acquiesce businesses administer their finances. Appliance accustomed users appearance their annual summaries, admit fresh payments and transfers, and accept or adios awaiting payments

Using their Blackberry acute buzz accessories while on the go.
Electronic Medical Annal We congenital an iPad appliance for accommodating arrangement and medical annal to be acclimated by a ample healthcare account provider. Application’s automatic user interface accustomed Doctors to agenda accommodating appointment, appearance patient’s medical history and annal from antecedent visits, and admission addendum from patient’s accepted visit.

Application appropriate a user login to defended admission to arcane accommodating data.

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